Current Practices for Battery Use and Management of Smartwatches


Copyright and License

  1. We grant you a nonexclusive license to use the data for educational and/or research purposes only. We reserve ownership of all intellectual property rights inherent in or relating to the data, which include, but are not limited to, all copyright, patent rights, confidential information and all rights other than those expressly granted.
  2. You agree to refrain from redistributing the data without our written permission.
  3. The traces have been anonymized to respect the privacy of human subjects used for the data collection. You agree to use the anonymized data as is, and not attempt to reverse the anonymization process. Furthermore, you will not disclose, nor attempt to reveal any private information regarding our participants, including, but not limited to, their identity and location.
  4. The data collection process is described in detail in the published paper. The data syntax is also explained below. We will not provide any further support regarding this data.
  5. You agree to acknowledge the source of the data by citing the following paper in your publication:

Chulhong Min, Seungwoo Kang, Chungkuk Yoo, Jeehoon Cha, Sangwon Choi, Younghan Oh, Junehwa Song, “Exploring Current Practices for Battery Use and Management of Smartwatches”, In Proceedings of ISWC’15 (the 19th International Symposium on Wearable Computers), Osaka, Japan, September, 2015.

Data Collected

We have collected smartwatch/phone-related data from 17 participants over 3 weeks in Korea. Please note that, although the data was intended to be collected continuously, the actual collection time varied for each participant, due to discontinuities in data from logging app updates, battery depletion, and the participants’ own reboot of either their smartphone or smartwatch. As well as the battery usage data, we further provide diverse smartphone usage data for widespread usage. All csv. files include the following fields:

  • Timestamp : Time of the event in Unix time, regardless of the system’s time zone. See currentTimeMillis().
  • Participant Id : Id of the smartwatch / smartphone user who participated in the experiment.
  • Event : The event sent from the Android OS
  • Value : Values corresponding to the event (if exists)

The participant demographic including their smartwatch/phone models is presented in our paper.

Battery-related Events

[phone_battery.csv] [watch_battery.csv]

Event Value Description
level 0 ~ scale The remaining battery level in percentage(%). See BatteryManager.EXTRA_LEVEL.
temperature Integer The temperature of the battery in tenth of celsius. See BatteryManager.EXTRA_TEMPERATURE.
voltage Integer The voltage of the battery in millivolts. See BatteryManager.EXTRA_VOLTAGE.
scale 100 The maximum battery level. All participants have scale of 100 on both smartphone / smartwatch. See BatteryManager.EXTRA_SCALE.
status_unknown None Charging status of the battery. See BatteryManager.EXTRA_STATUS and constants for the charging status.
status_charging None
status_not_charging None
status_discharging None
status_full None
plugged_ac None Power source of the battery. plugged_unknown_0 means the power source is the battery itself (unplugged). See BatteryManager.EXTRA_PLUGGED and constants for the plugged status.
plugged_usb None
plugged_wireless None
plugged_unknown_0 None
health_unknown None Health status of the battery. See BatteryManager.EXTRA_HEALTH and constants for the battery health status.
health_good None
health_overheat None
health_dead None
health_over_voltage None
health_unspecified_failure None
health_cold None
Screen-related Events

[phone_screen.csv] [watch_screen.csv]

Event Value Description
off None The device goes to sleep and becomes non-interactive. See ACTION_SCREEN_OFF.
on_and_user_present None The device wakes up and becomes interactive, and keyguard screen is showing or in restricted key input mode (i.e., in keyguard password emergency screen), i.e., the Android OS sends the ACTION_SCREEN_ON intent and inKeyguardRestrictedInputMode() is true at the same time
on_and_user_not_present None The device wakes up and becomes interactive, but keyguard screen is not showing and not in restricted key input mode, i.e., the Android OS sents the ACTION_SCREEN_ON intent but inKeyguardRestrictedInputMode() is false.
user_present None The user is present after device wakes up (e.g., when the keyguard is gone). See ACTION_USER_PRESENT.
Power-related Events

[phone_power.csv] [watch_power.csv]

Event Value Description
on None The device is turned on. See ACTION_BOOT_COMPLETED
off None The device is shutting down, i.e., the Android OS sends the ACTION_SHUTDOWN or “android.intent.action.QUICKBOOT_POWEROFF”.
connected None External power has been connected to the device. See ACTION_POWER_CONNECTED.
disconnected None External power has been disconnected from the device. See ACTION_POWER_DISCONNECTED.
SMS Receive Events


Event Value Description
sms_received None A new text-based SMS message has been received by the device. See SMS_RECEIVED_ACTION
Call Events


Event Value Description
ringing None A new call arrived and is ringing or waiting. See CALL_STATE_RINGING.
forwarding None At least one call exists that is dialing, active, or on hold, and no calls are ringing or waiting. See CALL_STATE_OFFHOOK.
idle None No activity. See CALL_STATE_IDLE.
Ringer Mode Change Events


Event Value Description
ringerModeChanged 0 ~ 2 0 : Ringer mode is “silent”. See RINGER_MODE_SILENT.
1 : Ringer mode is “vibrant”. See RINGER_MODE_VIBRANT.
2 : Ringer mode is “normal”. See RINGER_MODE_NORMAL.
Notification Events


Event Value Description
on Package Name The event showing a notification is sent. See AccessibilityEvent.TYPE_NOTIFICATION_STATE_CHANGED.
App Usage Events


  • Note that some of the application names contain Korean characters and will not be properly shown unless your computer supports Korean language decoding packages.
Event Value Description
start Package Name, App Name Start of interacting with the application.
end Package Name, App Name End of interacting with the application.